ANNOUNCEMENT (30/08/2017)
INTRALOT S.A. notifies that Gamenet Group S.p.A. (“Gamenet”) filed on August 29, 2017 with the Italian Stock Exchange (Borsa Italiana S.p.A.) a request for eligibility to list its shares on the Electronic Stock Exchange (Mercato Telematico Azionario) and, together with its shareholders TCP LUX Eurinvest S.à r.l. and INTRALOT Italian Investments B.V., filed with the National Capital Markets Commission the request for approval of the registration document drafted pursuant to Article 113 of the Italian Legislative Decree no. 58 of February 24, 1998 and Article 52 of the rules adopted by Consob with resolution no. 11971 of May 14, 1999.
The possible listing of its shares on the Electronic Stock Exchange managed and organized by the Italian Stock Exchange would allow Gamenet to have additional access to capital markets in order to implement its development strategies. Such potential access to the capital markets would represent an opportunity for TCP LUX Eurinvest S.à r.l. and INTRALOT Italian Investments B.V. to enhance the value of their participation in Gamenet. INTRALOT Italian Investments B.V. is a subsidiary of INTRALOT S.A. and it is holding a 20% participation in Gamenet.