In accordance with article 32 of Codified Law 2190/1920, INTRALOT announces the following voting results on agenda issues of the Ordinary General Assembly of June 11th 2014:

1.  Submission for approval of the restated corporate and consolidated annual financial statements of the fiscal year 01.01.2012 to 31.12.2012, due to the application of the amended International Accounting Standard 19 and to the corporate and consolidated annual financial statements of the fiscal year 01.01.2013 to 31.12.2013,  in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (I.F.R.S.), after hearing the relevant Board of Directors’ Reports and the Certified Auditor's Report regarding the above mentioned year.
The restated corporate and consolidated annual financial statements of the fiscal year 01.01.2012 to 31.12.2012, the corporate and consolidated annual financial statements of the fiscal year 01.01.2013 to 31.12.2013 and the relevant Board of Directors’ Reports and the Certified Auditor's Report were approved.
Number of shares for which valid votes were cast: 73,942,089
Percentage of share capital: 46.52%
Valid votes: 73,942,089
Voting and percentage of valid votes: For 73,795,826 (99.80%), Against 0, Blank/Abstention 146,263 (0.20%).

2.  Discharge of both the Board of Directors’ members and the Certified Auditor from any liability for indemnity regarding the Company’s management, the financial statements and the consolidated financial statements during the fiscal period under examination (01.01.2013-31.12.2013).
The discharge of the members of the Board of Directors and of the Certified Auditors from any liability for indemnity during the fiscal period under examination was approved.
Number of shares for which valid votes were cast: 73,942,089
Percentage of share capital: 46.52%
Valid votes: 73,942,089
Voting and percentage of valid votes: For 73,795,826 (99.80%), Against 0, Blank/Abstention 146,263 (0.20%).

3.  Election of regular and alternate Certified Auditors for the audit of the fiscal year 1.1.2014 to 31.12.2014 and determination of their fees.
The election of the companies “S.O.L. S.A.” and “GRANT THORNTON” for the audit of the fiscal year 01.01.2014 – 31.12.2014 was approved and its remuneration has been determined.

Number of shares for which valid votes were cast: 73,942,089
Percentage of share capital: 46.52%
Valid votes: 73,942,089
Voting and percentage of valid votes: For 61,804,352 (83.58%), Against 9,303,791 (12.58%), Blank/Abstention 2,833,946 (3.84%)

4.  Election of new Audit and Compliance Committee in accordance with Law 3693/2008.
The Election of a new Audit and Compliance Committee in accordance with Law 3693/2008, which will be composed of Messrs. Sotirios Filos, Chairman, and Ioannis Tsoukaridis and Nikolaos Leon Papapolitis, Members, was approved.
Number of shares for which valid votes were cast: 73,942,089
Percentage of share capital: 46.52%
Valid votes: 73,942,089
Voting and percentage of valid votes: For 63,543,485 (85.94%), Against 5,569,769 (7.53%), Blank/Abstention 4,828,835 (6.53%)

5.  Approval of the remuneration of the Board of Directors’ members for the fiscal year 2013 and pre-approval of remuneration and compensations of non-executive members of the Board of Directors for the year 2014, pursuant to art. 24 of Codified Law 2190/1920 & art. 5 of the Law 3016/2002.
In accordance with Article 24 of Codified Law 2190/1920, the remunerations of the members of the Board of Directors, in proportion with the participation time of each member in the Board of Directors from 1.1.2013 to 31.12.2013, were approved. Moreover, in accordance with Article 5 of L. 3016/2002, the determination of the remuneration of the current year of the non-executive members of the Board of Directors for the time spent during the meetings of the Board of Directors and in the fulfillment of their duties was decided upon,  and the Board of Directors was authorized to proceed to taking the necessary actions for the implementation of the above and also to approve the remunerations of the non-executive members of the BoD for the time afforded to meetings of the Board of Directors and in the general fulfillment of their duties in 2013, as decided upon in the BoD’s meeting of 31.12.2013, in the framework of the decision of 28.5.2013 of the Company’s General Shareholders Meeting.
Number of shares for which valid votes were cast: 73,942,089
Percentage of share capital: 46.52%
Valid votes: 73,942,089
Voting and percentage of valid votes: For 61,782,226 (83.56%), Against 9,303,791 (12.58%),   Blank/Abstention 2,856,072 (3.86%)

6.  Determination of the maximum salary of persons employed by the Company or by entities controlled by the Company for the period after 01.07.2014 in accordance with art. 23a of Codified Law 2190/1920.
The maximum salaries of the persons employed by the Company or by entities controlled by the Company for the period after 01.07.2014 were determined.
Number of shares for which valid votes were cast: 73,942,089
Percentage of share capital: 46.52%
Valid votes: 73,942,089
Voting and percentage of valid votes: For 59,921,347 (81.04%), Against 9,629,770 (13.02%), Blank/Abstention 4,390,972 (5.94%)

7.  Granting authorization to both Board of Directors members and Company’s Directors to participate in the Board of Directors or in the management of other affiliated companies as those companies are defined in article 42e' of Codified Law 2190/1920 and, therefore, the conducting on behalf of the affiliated companies of acts falling within the Company’s purposes. 
The authorization to the members of the Board of Directors and to Company’s Directors to participate in the Board of Directors or in the management of other affiliated companies, as those companies are defined in article 42e' of Codified Law 2190/1920, was approved. Therefore, the authorization for taking actions on behalf of the affiliated companies falling within the Company’s purposes was approved. 
Number of shares for which valid votes were cast: 73,942,089
Percentage of share capital: 46.52%
Valid votes: 73,942,089
Voting and percentage of valid votes: For 73,942,089 (100.00%), Against 0, Blank/Abstention 0

8.  Approval for the formation of untaxed reserves from dividends of companies having their registered offices in European Union countries.
The formation of untaxed reserves from dividends of companies having their registered offices in European Union countries in the amount of € 1,532,337.00 was approved.
Number of shares for which valid votes were cast: 73,942,089
Percentage of share capital: 46.52%
Valid votes: 73,942,089
Voting and percentage of valid votes: For 73,212,089 (99.01%), Against 730,000 (0.99%), Blank/Abstention 0

9.  Approval for a five-year commitment of the amount of 1.180.000€ of existing taxable reserves of the Company for the formation of temporary special reserve in 2013, which will be used to cover the Company’s own participation in the program NSRF “ICT4 GROWTH, Support for Businesses for investment projects of development, providing innovative products and value added services” and in accordance with the terms of par.3.10 of action plan ICT4 GROWTH.
The five-year commitment of the amount of 1.180.000€ of existing taxable reserves of the Company for the formation of a extraordinary special reserve within 2013, which will be used to cover the Company’s own participation in the NSRF program “ICT4 GROWTH, Support for Businesses for investment projects of development, providing innovative products and value added services” and in accordance with the terms of para. 3.10 of action plan ICT4 GROWTH, was approved.
Number of shares for which valid votes were cast: 73,942,089
Percentage of share capital: 46.52%
Valid votes: 73,942,089
Voting and percentage of valid votes: For 73,212,089 (99.01%), Against 730,000 (0.99%), Blank/Abstention 0
10. Share buy–back pursuant to art. 16 of Codified Law 2190/1920 and authorization to the Board of Directors on compliance with legal stipulations.
The buy-back program in accordance with the provisions of the art.16 of C.L. 2190/1920, of up to 10% of the paid share capital, for the time period of the next 24 months with effect from 11.06.2014 and until 11.06.2016, with a minimum price of €1,00 and maximum price of €10,00, was approved. It is also approved that the own shares which will eventually be acquired may be held for future acquisition of shares of another company.
Number of shares for which valid votes were cast: 73,942,089
Percentage of share capital: 46.52%
Valid votes: 73,942,089
Voting and percentage of valid votes: For 73,942,089 (100.00%), Against 0, Blank/Abstention 0