(on the issues in the agenda of the Ordinary General Assembly of May 19th, 2015)

In accordance with article 32 of Codified Law 2190/1920, INTRALOT announces the following voting results on agenda issues of the Ordinary General Assembly of May 19th 2015:


1.  Submission for approval of the corporate and consolidated annual financial statements of the fiscal year 01.01.2014 to 31.12.2014  in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (I.F.R.S.), after hearing the relevant Board of Directors’ Reports and the Certified Auditor's Report regarding the above mentioned year.

The corporate and consolidated annual financial statements of the fiscal year 01.01.2014 to 31.12.2014 and the relevant Board of Directors’ Reports and the Certified Auditor's Report were approved.

Number of shares for which valid votes were cast:80.881.397

Percentage of voting rights: 51,03%

Valid votes: 80.881.397

Voting and percentage of valid votes: For 80.735.134 (99,82 %), Against 0, Blank/Abstention 146.263 (0,18%)


2.  Discharge of both the Board of Directors members and the Certified Auditor from any liability for indemnity regarding Company’s management, the financial statements and the consolidated financial statements during the fiscal period under examination (01.01.2014-31.12.2014).

The discharge of the members of the Board of Directors and of the Certified Auditors from any liability for indemnity during the fiscal period under examination was approved.

Number of shares for which valid votes were cast:80.881.397

Percentage of voting rights: 51,03%

Valid votes: 80.881.397

Voting and percentage of valid votes: For 79.657.576 (98,49%), Against 1.077.558 (1,33%), Blank/Abstention 146.263 (0,18%)


3.  Election of regular and alternate Certified Auditors for the audit of the fiscal year 1.1.2015 to 31.12.2015 and determination of their fees.

The election of the companies “S.O.L. S.A.” and “GRANT THORNTON” for the audit of the fiscal year 01.01.2015 – 31.12.2015 was approved and their remuneration has been determined.

Number of shares for which valid votes were cast:80.881.397

Percentage of voting rights: 51,03%

Valid votes: 80.881.397

Voting and percentage of valid votes: For 69.888.984 (86,41%), Against 7.526.365 (9,31%) ,Blank/Abstention 3.466.048 (4,28%) .


4.  Announcement of election of new Board of Directors’ member in replacement of a resigned member.

The election of Mr. Antonios Kerastaris as a new member  of the Board of Directors  during  the Board Meeting dated  17.11.14 in replacement of the resigned member Mr. Nikolaos-Leon Papapolitis, was announced in accordance with art. 18 of Codified Law 2190/1920 and the company’s articles of association.


5.  Election of new Audit and Compliance Committee inaccordance with Law 3693/2008.

The election of a new Audit and Compliance Committee inaccordance with Law 3693/2008, which will be consisted of Messrs. Sotirios Filos, Anastasios Tsoufis and Ioannis Tsoukaridis, independent non-executive Board of Directors’ members, was approved.

Number of shares for which valid votes were cast:80.881.397

Percentage of voting rights: 51,03%

Valid votes: 80.881.397

Voting and percentage of valid votes: For 71.096.981 (87,90 %), Against 4.852.477 (6%), Blank/Abstention 4.931.939 (6,10%).


6.  Approval of the remuneration of the Board of Directors’ members for the fiscal year 2014 and pre-approval of remuneration and compensations of non-executive members of the Board of Directors for the year 2015, pursuant to art. 24 of Codified Law 2190/1920 & art. 5 of the Law 3016/2002.

The remuneration of the Board of Directors’ members for the fiscal year 2014 was approved and the remuneration and compensations of the non-executive members of the Board of Directors for the year 2015 were approved.

Number of shares for which valid votes were cast:80.881.397

Percentage of voting rights: 51,03%

Valid votes: 80.881.397

Voting and percentage of valid votes: For 72.718.108 (89,91%), Against 3.167.539 (3,92%), Blank/Abstention 4.995.750 (6,17%).


7.  Approval, in accordance with article 23a of Codified Law 2190/1920, of contracts and remunerations of persons coming under the definition of the abovementioned article, with the Company or legal entities controlled by the Company.

The maximum amounts of salaries and remunerations of persons coming under the definition of article 23a of Codified Law 2190/1920 with the Company or legal entities controlled by the Company were approved.

Number of shares for which valid votes were cast:80.881.397

Percentage of voting rights: 51,03%

Valid votes: 80.881.397

Voting and percentage of valid votes: For 72.718.108 (89,91%), Against 3.167.539 (3,92%), Blank/Abstention 4.995.750 (6,17%).


8.  Granting authorization to both Board of Directors members and Company’s Directors to participate in the Board of Directors or in the management of other affiliated companies as those companies are defined in article 42e' of Codified Law 2190/1920 and, therefore, the conducting on behalf of the affiliated companies of acts falling within the Company’s purposes. 

The authorization to the members of the Board of Directors and the Managers of the Company to participate in the Board of Directors or in the management of other affiliated companies, as those companies are defined in article 42e' of Codified Law 2190/1920, and, therefore, the authorization for conducting on behalf of the affiliated companies of acts falling within the Company’s purposes, were approved.

Number of shares for which valid votes were cast: 80.881.397

Percentage of voting rights: 51,03%

Valid votes: 80.881.397

Voting and percentage of valid votes: For 79.803.839 (98,67%), Against 1.077.558 (1,33%), Blank/Abstention 0.


9.  Amendment of the share buy – back program which was adopted at the Company’s Ordinary Shareholders Meeting dated 11 June 2014 pursuant to art. 16 of Codified Law 2190/1920 and authorization to the Board of Directors on compliance with legal stipulations.

The amendment of the share buy-back program from the Company in relation to the range of value which may provide for the share buy-back was approved and specifically such range was set from 1 to 12 Euro.


Number of shares for which valid votes were cast: 80.881.397

Percentage of voting rights: 51,03%

Valid votes: 80.881.397

Voting and percentage of valid votes: For 76.681.361 (94,81 %), Against 802.997 (0,99%), Blank/Abstention 3.397.039 (4,20 %).


10.  Setoff of non-taxable reserves with tax losses (reserves which were created from profits which were not taxed at the time of their formation), in accordance with article 72 par. 12 & 13 of Law 4172/2013.

The setoff of non-taxable reserves amounting to € 296.186,58, falling under art. 72 of Law 4172/2013, was approved.

Number of shares for which valid votes were cast: 80.881.397

Percentage of voting rights: 51,03%

Valid votes: 80.881.397

Voting and percentage of valid votes: For 80.881.397 (100%), Against 0, Blank/Abstention 0.