Announcement Relating the Transfer of Inteltek’s Shares
INTRALOT Group via its fully owned subsidiary Intralot Iberia Holding SAU signed a binding term-sheet to acquire from Turktell Bilişim Servisleri A.Ş., Global Bilgi Paz. Dan. ve Çağrı Servisi Hizm. A.Ş and Turkcell Satış ve Dijital İş Servisleri A.Ş. their total shareholding of 55% in İnteltek İnternet Teknoloji Yatırım ve Danışmanlık Ticaret A.Ş. (“Inteltek”) including all rights and liabilities to Intralot Iberia Holding SAU. The respective transaction is expected to be completed within the first half of 2020 once the final share sale and purchase agreement (“SPA”) is signed and necessary legal approvals are obtained. The final value of the transaction will be determined based on IFRS net book value of Inteltek and no material impact is expected on our financial statements.