Athens, Greece

Following an international tender, INTRALOT has been awarded a 7 year contract for supporting on-line the numerical, instant and traditional games of Polla Chilena (the state owned lottery organization of Chile). The contract also includes the launch of new generation games and videolotterry, as well as the use of handheld terminals and the expansion of the system for games offered via the Internet, mobile telephony and other alternative sales channels.

INTRALOT’ s software platform LOTOS shall be integrated, while for the optimum cost efficiency of the sales network, CORONIS and ATRIS terminals will be installed at high and low sales POS respectively. It's worth mentioning that INTRALOT has established a new subsidiary company in Chile, INTRALOT de CHILE which has undertaken the implementation of this project.

The start up of the operation will commence in August of 2002 replacing the existing system provided by another supplier. Both, Polla Chilena and INTRALOT have set as main priorities the expansion of the sales network, which will lead to further sales increase.