Athens, Greece
The share price of INTRALOT at the end of 2001 rose to € 16.22, 50% increased compared to the low price of € 11 that has been recorded after the terrorist attack of September 11th. In the same period, the Greek general index rose by 30%.
During this period INTRALOT's share price was positively affected by the announcement of the nine months interim results, recording revenues of € 202 million, a 22 % rise from last year, whilst EBITDA increased by 65.4% to € 59,5 million. Income before taxes recorded an increase of 55% reaching € 51,9 million.
Also, in the same period, INTRALOT announced the signing of the contract for the provision of a computerized lottery system to support the lottery operations of Polla Chilena, the state owned lottery organization of Chile. The contract also includes the launch of new generation games and videolotterry, as well as the use of handheld terminals and the expansion of the system for games offered via the Internet, mobile telephony and other alternative sales channels.