INTRALOT’S subsidiaries in The Netherlands, INTRALOT BV and Cyprus, Royal Highgate, have received the ISAE 3402 assurance for the integrity of their systems and operations, supporting financial reporting. In The Netherlands, INTRALOT re-achieved the assurance report, that it has first obtained in early 2011 (as SAS70 at the time), for the operations and systems it provides to the two Dutch Lotteries, Staatsloterij and De Lotto, according to the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3402, ‘Assurance Reports on Controls at a Service Organisation’, issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board. In Cyprus, the assurance statement regards compliance with the rules and requirements set by the National Betting Authority of Cyprus. The ISAE 3402 audits were conducted by a major international auditing firm.
Dr. Christos K. Dimitriadis, INTRALOT Group Head of Information Security, Compliance and Innovation, stated: “INTRALOT Group compliance strategy is driven by jurisdictional regulation, industry standards and customer requirements. By applying this strategy, both INTRALOT BV and Royal Highgate ensured the combination of the three drivers in order to achieve the customization of our international expertise in systems and operations to the needs of their local markets. The assurance report not only rewards our subsidiaries’ endeavours to implement INTRALOT Group compliance strategy, but it also contributes in ensuring stakeholder trust in the Group’s operational excellence.”
INTRALOT, a public listed company, is the leading supplier of integrated gaming and transaction processing systems, innovative game content, sports betting management and interactive gaming services to state-licensed gaming organizations worldwide. Its broad portfolio of products & services, its know-how of Lottery, Betting, Racing & Video Lottery operations and its leading-edge technology, give INTRALOT a competitive advantage, which contributes directly to customers’ efficiency, profitability and growth. With presence in 56 jurisdictions, more than 5.500 people and revenues of €1.4 billion for 2012, INTRALOT has established its presence on all 5 continents.
For more info:
Ms Persa Kartsoli, Head of Corporate and Public Relations, Phone: +30-210 6156000, Fax: +30-210 6106800, email: -